Saturday, November 20, 2010

Words of the Wise

It’s mind-boggling why these words are not in the dictionary.  Enjoy.

  1. Lollygag: you’re just bullshitting.  You’re procrastinating.
  2. Around your ass to get to the elbow: you go completely out of your way to get where you’re going to.
  3. Y’all: you all. the diamond phrase of the south.  “It’s the most beautiful word you’ve ever heard”
  4. Yins: “y’ins”—translates as “your things”
  5. Youngins: your children or your babies
  6. Yur: you are
  7. Bo: you can say that could be your friend.  It could be an acquaintance.  Like “hey you!”  It’s an attention grabber.
  8. Boondocks (boonies): in the middle of nowhere
  9. Twisted: drunk
  10. Yankees: talking about anyone above the Mason-Dixon line.  This word can also pretty much refer to anyone who doesn’t live in the South.
  11. Like pea’s and carrots: you have a lot in common or you go well together.
  12. Bar-b-que: Unlike most Americans, Southerners refer to a BBQ as the very slow process of cooking food.  An example would be of pulled pork.
  13. Cookout: cooking event of hotdogs and hamburgers
  14. Bless your heart or God bless you:  Translation: I’m sorry that you have so many problems but I have no sympathy for you.
  15. Stupider: dumber
  16. Deddy: daddy. 
  17. Mamma: mom
  18. I’m gonna take her home: you know what that means
  19. Flippers: what little baby pageant girls wear to make it look like they have a full set of teeth
  20. Tennessee Tea: whiskey
  21. Sweet tea: Tea with LOTS of sugar
  22. Wudder: Water
  23. Shooting shotguns: the 4th of July
  24. Hush puppies: breaded cornbread to eat
  25. Moonshine: homemade liquor
  26. Blue gums: racist term for black people
  27. “Pretty is what pretty does”: if you don’t act pretty, you’re not.
  28. Man upstairs: God or Jesus
  29. Code blue: coors light, which you call “vintin’”
  30. Ain’t: do not
  31. War of northern aggression: civil war
  32. Redneck: need I explain?
  33. Rib: girl
  34. Lady girl: girl
  35. “Bouss”: boss
  36. Magnolia free: “dime piece”—a really hot girl, a “10”
  37. “Meh”: I don’t know, but southern people say it a lot.  It’s non-committal
  38. Buggy: shopping cart
  39. “The business”: sex
  40. M’erican: an American
  41. “Aess-hole”: asshole

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